DiscoverThe Glenn Beck ProgramTim Walz Wins ‘Worst Answer Ever’ in Kamala/CNN Interview | Guests: Allie Beth Stuckey & Kevin Roberts | 8/30/24
Tim Walz Wins ‘Worst Answer Ever’ in Kamala/CNN Interview | Guests: Allie Beth Stuckey & Kevin Roberts | 8/30/24

Tim Walz Wins ‘Worst Answer Ever’ in Kamala/CNN Interview | Guests: Allie Beth Stuckey & Kevin Roberts | 8/30/24

Update: 2024-08-303


This podcast episode covers a wide range of topics, including Kamala Harris's interview with Dana Bash, Donald Trump's stance on abortion, and the legacy of Ronald Reagan. The episode begins with an introduction to Jace Medical and an announcement of a giveaway for listeners. It then transitions into a discussion of Kamala Harris's interview with Dana Bash, where Glenn Beck criticizes her evasive answers and her flip-flops on issues like fracking. Beck also discusses Donald Trump's recent statements on abortion, criticizing his position as being inconsistent with his previous pro-life stance. The episode features an interview with Ali Beth Stucky, who shares her perspective on Trump's abortion and IVF stances. The episode then shifts to a discussion of the new movie "Reagan," starring Dennis Quaid, and features an interview with Quaid about his experience playing Reagan. The hosts also discuss the importance of storytelling and its role in preserving American history and culture, and they announce their upcoming "American Narratives in Fine Art" show. The episode concludes with a discussion of the current political landscape, the significance of RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump, and the lessons that can be learned from the Reagan era.


Jace Medical Giveaway and Introduction

The podcast begins with an introduction to Jace Medical and an announcement of an exclusive giveaway where listeners can win a Jace case for life. The giveaway ends on August 31st.

Glenn Beck Program: Introduction and Sleep Aid Advertisement

The Glenn Beck program begins with a welcome message and a preview of the topics to be discussed, including Kamala Harris's interview and Donald Trump's stance on abortion and IVF. The segment then transitions into an advertisement for Z-factor, a natural sleep aid.

Kamala Harris's Interview with Dana Bash: Economic Policies and Fracking

Glenn Beck discusses Kamala Harris's interview with Dana Bash, highlighting her evasive answers regarding economic policies and her flip-flop on fracking. He criticizes her for blaming Donald Trump for the state of the economy and for claiming to have taken actions to reduce inflation while simultaneously supporting policies that contribute to higher prices.

Glenn Beck's Experience with Bill O'Reilly and the Importance of Tough Questions

Glenn Beck shares a story about his time at Fox News, where Bill O'Reilly advised him to be prepared for tough questions from the press. He argues that Kamala Harris's interview with Dana Bash was a \"friendly room\" where she was not truly challenged on her policies.

Exposing Kamala Harris's Flip-Flops

Glenn Beck emphasizes the need to expose Kamala Harris's inconsistencies and flip-flops on issues like fracking and the economy before it's too late for voters to make informed decisions. He argues that her evasive answers and lack of accountability are concerning.

Bernal Launcher Advertisement and Tim Walls's Interview

The segment features an advertisement for the Bernal Launcher, a non-lethal alternative to firearms. Glenn Beck then criticizes Tim Walls's interview, highlighting his evasive answers and his claim to have carried weapons in war despite never deploying in a war zone.

Maggie Haberman's Interview and Donald Trump's Arlington Cemetery Visit

Glenn Beck discusses Maggie Haberman's interview with Anderson Cooper, where she criticizes Donald Trump's visit to Arlington Cemetery and his decision to film and share the ceremony. He argues that Haberman's focus on the privacy of the families involved is hypocritical, given her own actions in revealing the name and details of a soldier who died by suicide.

Donald Trump's Stance on Abortion and IVF

Glenn Beck discusses Donald Trump's recent statements on abortion, where he expressed support for extending the time limit for abortions in Florida. He criticizes Trump's position as being inconsistent with his previous pro-life stance and argues that it is politically miscalculated.

Ali Beth Stucky's Perspective on Trump's Abortion and IVF Stances

Ali Beth Stucky, a guest on the show, shares her perspective on Donald Trump's abortion and IVF stances. She criticizes Trump's position on abortion as being politically miscalculated and immoral, but still supports him for president due to his potential to appoint pro-life judges and justices.

Share the Arrows Event and Patriot Mobile Advertisement

Ali Beth Stucky announces her upcoming \"Share the Arrows\" event in Dallas, Texas, which will feature Christian speakers and a focus on biblical courage in a chaotic culture. The segment then transitions into an advertisement for Patriot Mobile, a cell phone service provider that shares conservative values.

Maggie Haberman's Criticism of Trump's Arlington Cemetery Visit

Glenn Beck continues his discussion of Maggie Haberman's interview, focusing on her criticism of Donald Trump's visit to Arlington Cemetery and his decision to film and share the ceremony. He argues that Haberman's focus on the privacy of the families involved is hypocritical, given her own actions in revealing the name and details of a soldier who died by suicide.

Bernal Launcher Advertisement and Upcoming Guests

The segment features an advertisement for the Bernal Launcher, a non-lethal alternative to firearms. Glenn Beck then previews upcoming guests, including Kevin Roberts from the Heritage Foundation, who will discuss Kamala Harris's interview and her policy record.

00:43:44 and Good Ranchers Advertisement

Glenn Beck introduces a new website called, which provides information and resources to counter liberal narratives. The segment then transitions into an advertisement for Good Ranchers, a company that provides high-quality meat from American farms and ranches.

Interview with Kevin Roberts from the Heritage Foundation

Glenn Beck interviews Kevin Roberts from the Heritage Foundation, discussing the website and its purpose to provide factual information about Kamala Harris's policy record. Roberts argues that Harris's interview with Dana Bash was a disaster for those who pay attention to policy, but may not be for the average American who is not tuned in.

California's Ban on Voter ID and De-Legitimizing a Trump Victory

Glenn Beck discusses California's recent ban on voter ID requirements, arguing that it is an attempt to de-legitimize a potential Trump victory by inflating the popular vote. He believes that the Democrats are using this tactic to create a narrative of voter suppression and to justify protests and unrest if Trump wins the election.

Real Estate Agents I Trust Advertisement and Discussion of X/Spaces

The segment features an advertisement for Real Estate Agents I Trust, a network of dedicated professionals committed to helping clients achieve their home buying and selling goals. Glenn Beck then discusses the X/Spaces platform, praising its potential for intellectual conversation and sharing his observations about the platform's use in Brazil.

Car Shield Advertisement and Glenn Beck's New Book

The segment features an advertisement for Car Shield, a company that provides vehicle protection plans to help drivers avoid the stress of major repairs. Glenn Beck then discusses his new book, \"Chasing Embers,\" and his upcoming podcast episode featuring Dennis Quaid.

Storytelling and American Narratives in Fine Art Show

Glenn Beck emphasizes the importance of storytelling and its role in preserving American history and culture. He announces his upcoming \"American Narratives in Fine Art\" show, which will feature the work of 30 artists who have been trained to tell stories through their art.

Interview with Albin Visellka, Artist for the American Narratives in Fine Art Show

Glenn Beck interviews Albin Visellka, one of the artists featured in the \"American Narratives in Fine Art\" show. Visellka discusses his inspiration for his paintings, which include stories about Bass Reeves, the first African American U.S. Marshal, and Stephen F. Austin, the primary founder of Texas.

Legacy Box Advertisement and Upcoming Topics

The segment features an advertisement for Legacy Box, a service that helps families digitize their treasured videotapes, film reels, and photos. Glenn Beck then previews upcoming topics, including a continuation of the discussion about Kamala Harris's interview and some interesting discoveries about her past.

National March for Kids and Upcoming Events

Glenn Beck announces his participation in the National March for Kids, an event aimed at protecting children from grooming and sexualization. He also mentions his upcoming appearances with Alveda King and Tulsi Gabbard at the March for Kids and with Tulsi Gabbard and Donald Trump at the Moms for Liberty Convention.

Kamala Harris's Flip-Flop on Fracking and American Giant Advertisement

Glenn Beck continues his discussion of Kamala Harris's flip-flop on fracking, arguing that her claim to have reversed her position on the debate stage in 2020 is misleading. He believes that she is trying to avoid accountability for her past statements and actions. The segment then transitions into an advertisement for American Giant, a clothing company that manufactures its products in America.

American Giant Clothing and Reagan Movie

The podcast begins with a brief advertisement for American Giant clothing, followed by a discussion about the new movie \"Reagan\" starring Dennis Quaid. The hosts express their excitement about the movie and encourage listeners to see it.

Nate Silver's Election Model and Kamala Harris Interview

The hosts discuss Nate Silver's election model, which now shows Donald Trump as the frontrunner. They also mention Kamala Harris's recent interview with Tim Walls and preview upcoming segments about these topics.

Remembering Ronald Reagan and His Legacy

The hosts reflect on the legacy of Ronald Reagan, emphasizing his importance in the fight against communism and his ability to unite a divided nation. They argue that the younger generation may not fully appreciate Reagan's accomplishments.

The Reagan Movie and Dennis Quaid Interview

The hosts highlight the release of the \"Reagan\" movie and share their enthusiasm for it. They also preview an interview with Dennis Quaid, who plays Reagan in the film.

Ronald Reagan's Impact and the Current Political Landscape

The hosts discuss Ronald Reagan's impact on American politics, noting his popularity and his ability to overcome political divisions. They compare Reagan's leadership to the current political climate, highlighting the stark polarization of today's society.

RFK Jr.'s Endorsement and Political Polarization

The hosts discuss the significance of RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump, arguing that it could be a turning point in the election. They analyze the current political landscape, emphasizing the deep divisions within the country and the difficulty of bridging these divides.

Lessons from the Reagan Era and Conservative Victories

The hosts discuss the lessons that can be learned from the Reagan era, particularly in terms of leadership and overcoming political divisions. They also highlight some recent conservative victories, such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the progress made on school choice.

Dennis Quaid's Interview and His Personal Journey

The hosts discuss their interview with Dennis Quaid, who shares his experience playing Ronald Reagan in the new movie. Quaid also opens up about his personal journey, including a period of self-doubt and his eventual path to finding peace and authenticity.

Reagan's Accomplishments and the Importance of Experience

The hosts discuss Ronald Reagan's accomplishments, particularly his role in winning the Cold War. They contrast Reagan's leadership style and political talent with that of current politicians like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, highlighting the difference in experience and effectiveness.

The Power of Immersion and Dennis Quaid's Research

The hosts discuss the importance of immersion in understanding a story, both for journalists and actors. They share Dennis Quaid's experience researching Ronald Reagan, including his visit to the Reagan ranch and the insights he gained from it.

Leaf Home Gutters Advertisement

This chapter is an advertisement for Leaf Home Gutters, a gutter protection system that eliminates the need for manual cleaning.

Dennis Quaid's Personal Struggles and Finding Authenticity

Dennis Quaid shares his personal struggles with self-doubt and the importance of finding authenticity. He discusses his experience with a \"nervous breakdown\" and how he learned to overcome negative self-talk and embrace his true self.

The Great Depression and the Importance of Preparation

The hosts draw a parallel between the current economic climate and the Great Depression, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for potential challenges. They encourage listeners to consider investing in precious metals as a way to protect their wealth.

Kamala Harris Interview and Media Bias

The hosts discuss Kamala Harris's recent interview with Tim Walls, criticizing the media's biased coverage of the interview and their tendency to ask softball questions to Democratic candidates. They contrast this with the adversarial treatment of Republican candidates like JD Vance.

Media Bias and the JD Vance Interview

The hosts continue their critique of media bias, highlighting the unfair treatment of JD Vance in interviews. They point out the double standard in the questions asked to Democratic and Republican candidates, and the media's tendency to focus on personal attacks rather than policy issues.

Kamala Harris's Fracking Flip-Flop and Media Silence

The hosts expose Kamala Harris's flip-flop on fracking, highlighting her contradictory statements and the media's failure to hold her accountable for her inconsistencies. They argue that Harris's lack of clarity on this issue should be a cause for concern for voters.

JD Vance and the Caitlin Upton Meme

The hosts discuss the controversy surrounding JD Vance's use of a meme featuring Caitlin Upton, a former Miss Teen South Carolina, who has spoken about her struggles with depression after the meme went viral. They criticize the media's focus on this meme and their attempt to use it to attack Vance.

Relief Factor Advertisement

This chapter is an advertisement for Relief Factor, a drug-free supplement that helps alleviate pain naturally.

Nate Silver's Election Forecast and Kamala's Peak Week

The hosts discuss Nate Silver's election forecast, which now shows Donald Trump as the frontrunner. They also reflect on Kamala Harris's campaign and suggest that her peak may have already passed.


Jace Medical

Jace Medical is a company that specializes in personalized emergency kits, including the Jace case. They are hosting a giveaway where listeners can win a Jace case for life.


Z-factor is a natural sleep aid that helps people fall asleep faster, sleep better, and stay asleep longer. It is made by the makers of Relief Factor and can be purchased at

Bernal Launcher

The Bernal Launcher is a non-lethal alternative to firearms that uses tear gas pellets to incapacitate individuals. It is marketed as a safer and more effective option than pepper spray or tasers.

Dangerously Liberal is a website created by the Heritage Foundation to provide factual information about Kamala Harris's policy record. The website aims to counter liberal narratives and expose the dangers of Harris's policies.

Good Ranchers

Good Ranchers is a company that provides high-quality meat from American farms and ranches. They offer a variety of meat boxes and subscriptions, with a focus on supporting American farmers and ranchers.

Share the Arrows

Share the Arrows is an event for Christian women that will feature speakers, theologians, and moms who are talking about how to contend with a chaotic culture through biblical courage.

Patriot Mobile

Patriot Mobile is a cell phone service provider that shares conservative values. They offer competitive plans and excellent customer service, while also supporting organizations that align with their beliefs.

Legacy Box

Legacy Box is a service that helps families digitize their treasured videotapes, film reels, and photos. They offer a simple and safe way to preserve memories and protect them from damage or loss.

American Giant

American Giant is a clothing company that manufactures its products in America. They are committed to supporting American manufacturing and workers, and their products are known for their high quality and durability.


  • What is the main purpose of the website

    The website aims to provide factual information about Kamala Harris's policy record and counter liberal narratives about her. It is intended to help people understand the potential dangers of her policies if she were to become president.

  • What is Glenn Beck's criticism of Kamala Harris's interview with Dana Bash?

    Beck criticizes Harris for her evasive answers, her tendency to blame Donald Trump for the state of the economy, and her flip-flops on issues like fracking. He believes that she is not being held accountable for her policies and that her interview was a \"friendly room\" where she was not truly challenged.

  • What is the significance of the \"American Narratives in Fine Art\" show?

    The show aims to preserve American history and culture by telling stories through art. It features the work of 30 artists who have been trained to tell stories through their paintings, and it includes artifacts from the museum that connect to the stories depicted in the art.

  • What is Glenn Beck's main concern about the March for Kids?

    Beck is concerned about the sexualization of children and the impact of harmful ideologies on their development. He believes that children should be protected from grooming and that they should not be exposed to political agendas at a young age.

  • What are some of the key lessons that can be learned from the Reagan era?

    The Reagan era offers valuable lessons in leadership, particularly in terms of overcoming political divisions and uniting a nation. Reagan's ability to effectively communicate his vision and inspire confidence in his leadership is a key takeaway.

  • How does the current political landscape compare to the Reagan era?

    The current political landscape is significantly more polarized than the Reagan era, with deep divisions between opposing ideologies. This polarization makes it more challenging to find common ground and achieve consensus on important issues.

  • What is the significance of RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump?

    RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump could be a significant turning point in the election, potentially attracting a new segment of voters who are disillusioned with the current political establishment. It remains to be seen how this endorsement will impact the race.

  • What are some examples of recent conservative victories?

    Recent conservative victories include the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which has had a significant impact on abortion rights, and the progress made on school choice, which gives parents more options for their children's education.

  • How does Dennis Quaid's experience playing Ronald Reagan reflect the importance of immersion?

    Dennis Quaid's experience researching Ronald Reagan, including his visit to the Reagan ranch, highlights the importance of immersion in understanding a story. By immersing himself in Reagan's world, Quaid gained a deeper understanding of the man and his legacy.

Show Notes

Kamala Harris sat down with CNN’s Dana Bash for her first interview as the Democratic presidential candidate. While some of the questions were fair, Kamala’s answers were what you would expect. Glenn and Stu discuss the lies and flip-flopping exposed in Kamala’s interview. Tim Walz blamed his "poor grammar" as the reason for his false statements regarding his military service. BlazeTV host of “Relatable” Allie Beth Stuckey joins to discuss the political miscalculation of Trump coming out against Florida’s six-week abortion ban and what the political consequences may be. Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts joins to discuss his new website, which exposes all the horrific truth about Kamala’s policies and track record that the media is trying to ignore. Artist Albin Veselka joins to share how he tells stories through art. Filling in for Glenn, Stu discusses Ronald Reagan’s legacy and lasting fingerprint on the conservative movement. Stu rants against Kamala’s CNN interview and the lies she peddled about her stance on fracking.

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Tim Walz Wins ‘Worst Answer Ever’ in Kamala/CNN Interview | Guests: Allie Beth Stuckey & Kevin Roberts | 8/30/24

Tim Walz Wins ‘Worst Answer Ever’ in Kamala/CNN Interview | Guests: Allie Beth Stuckey & Kevin Roberts | 8/30/24

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